Bell Schedule

 Bell Schedule 

Student Drop-Off begins at 8:15 am

Breakfast will start being served at 8:20 am 

School begins at 8:45 am and ends at 3:00 pm

(Wednesday ends at 2:00 pm)


  • Walkers will be dismissed on two sides, the 441 side and the 436 side depending on the way the student walks home.
  • The bus loading zone is for students and teachers only!
  • All parents picking up K & 1st, please walk the perimeter of the fence and not cross in front of cars or busses when picking up your student{s).

Car Riders:

  • Please be patient and wait until someone walks your child to your vehicle. You will be asked to pull up to the number station your student should be at.
  • Please do not get out of your vehicle or ask your child to walk towards you - this is dangerous. This includes asking your student to cross the street to your vehicle.
  • Please display your car rider sign daily. This helps us to make sure your student is ready to go when you pull up to your number station.
  • Please follow traffic patterns and be cooperative. We want all students safe.
  • Please do not park in restricted areas.